School Law 101 for Teachers

District and Individual Liability

Prepare your soon-to-be teachers with the basics of school law. Comfort yourself by knowing that these very important issues have been addressed by the experienced attorneys before teachers are in the classroom.


  • Response to Frequently Asked Questions by First Year Teachers
  • Overview of Legal Issues, including:
    • Immunity and liability
    • Teacher contracts
    • Special education
    • Student and district records
    • Code of ethics for professional educators
    • Student discipline
    • Complaints policy
    • Sexual harassment
    • Child abuse reporting
    • Student and family rights
    • Technology, copyright, and acceptable use

Note: This presentation can be adjusted for seasoned educators wanting a “refresher” on timely legal issues.

Audience: Faculty, first year teachers, and alternative certification candidates.

This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff.

Cancellation Policy:

We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.