Team of Eight

Team of Eight

Come to Us or We Will Come to You!

Eichelbaum Wardell provides a convenient way to fulfill much of your continuing education requirements.

  • Interactive
  • Educational
  • Entertaining
  • Planned around your schedule

Or we can work with you to create appropriate topics for your session.

Select From Our List of Topics

– Team of Eight – Tier 2
– How to be an Effective Board Member – Tier 3
– Liability for Trustees and the District – Tier 3
– Documentation for Board Members – Tier 3
– Preventing Sexual Harassment – Tier 3
– Student Discipline – Tier 3
– The First Amendment – Tier 3
– Search and Seizure / Drug Testing – Tier 3
– Construction Team Training – Tier 3
– Public Information Act*
– Open Meetings Act*

*Elected and appointed public officials are required by a new state law to receive trainings in Texas open government laws. This session was developed to be in compliance with a mandate from the 79th Texas Legislature. Eichelbaum Wardell is a certified provider by the Office of the Attorney General.

This seminar is not currently scheduled. Contact us about scheduling this seminar for your staff.

Cancellation Policy:

We do not accept cancellations, although substitutions are always welcome. Please contact us at or (800) 488-9045.