Category: Governance

Legal Issues for Superintendent Searches

Legal Issues for Superintendent Searches

Your district is in the market for a new superintendent. Many of us have never participated in a superintendent search. What are the legal parameters and potential pitfalls? Where do you begin and what are your legal options? Learn the honest truth about hiring a new superintendent from a school attorney who does not do…

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Insurance Checkup: Being Prepared for the Inevitable Emergency

Insurance Checkup: Being Prepared for the Inevitable Emergency

Many districts have to contend with emergencies arising from property damage caused by weather. Frequently, the emergency is made worse by an insurance company’s denial of the district’s insurance claim. We are going to discuss three action items you can implement right now to put your district in the best position to deal with an…

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All About 313 Agreements: From Wind Farms to Cryptomining

All About 313 Agreements: From Wind Farms to Cryptomining

Business in Texas is booming, and with new companies moving in, 313 agreements between businesses and school districts for tax breaks are becoming more and more popular. What are they, and what does my district need to know if we’re approached to enter into one? We’ll discuss the typical types of agreements from wind farms…

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