Category: On-Demand Webcasts

Construction Procurement Webcast Series

Construction Procurement Webcast Series

The Rise of the Procurist If you only attend one construction procurement series this year, this is the one to choose. This training will elevate your purchasing competence and confidence. Whether you are new to construction procurement or it has been a while since your last project, you will get the foundation you need to... read more
Legal Issues for Superintendent Searches

Legal Issues for Superintendent Searches

Your district is in the market for a new superintendent. Many of us have never participated in a superintendent search. What are the legal parameters and potential pitfalls? Where do you begin and what are your legal options? Learn the honest truth about hiring a new superintendent from a school attorney who does not do…

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Insurance Checkup: Being Prepared for the Inevitable Emergency

Insurance Checkup: Being Prepared for the Inevitable Emergency

Many districts have to contend with emergencies arising from property damage caused by weather. Frequently, the emergency is made worse by an insurance company’s denial of the district’s insurance claim. We are going to discuss three action items you can implement right now to put your district in the best position to deal with an…

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All About 313 Agreements: From Wind Farms to Cryptomining

All About 313 Agreements: From Wind Farms to Cryptomining

Business in Texas is booming, and with new companies moving in, 313 agreements between businesses and school districts for tax breaks are becoming more and more popular. What are they, and what does my district need to know if we’re approached to enter into one? We’ll discuss the typical types of agreements from wind farms…

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Legal Issues for New Technology Applications Webcast

Legal Issues for New Technology Applications Webcast

Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter, Google Docs or Evernote, new technology applications have legal and operational effects on schools. The impact of new technologies and apps are especially important for one-to-one and BYOD schools. Cloud computing applications pose additional legal complications. We have been asked to offer training sessions to help districts identify the issues…

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Book Selection and Reconsideration

Book Selection and Reconsideration

Book Selection and Reconsideration Library books have gotten a lot of attention recently. People from outside of your district are looking over your library collection with a fine tooth comb. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission sets the standards for school libraries, and courts issue opinions about students’ right to read. How do the... read more
Student Search and Seizure

Student Search and Seizure

Anyone who has ever watched a police show on television is familiar with the Fourth Amendment. The general public is now aware of required Miranda warnings and that the people have rights not to be subject to unreasonable searches. Likewise, school officials do not exercise unfettered control over students or others on their campuses. While... read more
Disciplining Student Vaping

Disciplining Student Vaping

There has been a sharp uptick in incidences of students being caught vaping or with vape pens on campus. With the new questions in Texas surrounding marijuana versus THC in vape pens, the ever-expanding laws cracking down on smoking, and vape pens becoming physically smaller it’s hard to know the ins and outs of what... read more