Category: Student Issues

Handling Artificial Intelligence in Schools Responsibly

Handling Artificial Intelligence in Schools Responsibly

This training clarifies the procedures that schools must take to effectively protect Student privacy when using artificial intelligence. We discuss artificial intelligence’s complex relationship with FERPA, how to legally use pictures and videos generated by artificial intelligence, and how to prevent students from using artificial intelligence on examinations. We also identify key indicators that suggest…

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The Legal ABCs of DAEPs

The Legal ABCs of DAEPs

The Legal ABCs of DAEPs webinar provides an overview of the legal landscape concerning Texas’ Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs (DAEPs). With an objective to review key basics (or the ABCs) of DAEPs, this webinar promises to provide guidance to some commonly asked questions associated with maintaining a safe, secure, and effective DAEP environment and related…

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Combatting Opioid and Vape Pen Usage on Campus

Combatting Opioid and Vape Pen Usage on Campus

Students in the state of Texas have been part of the growing national trend of excessive vape pen and opioid usage. While the legislative session came out with new laws to grant districts the authority to dispense overdose medications and take further disciplinary measures, it’s tough to know what legal options a district has when…

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Searching Cell Phones

Searching Cell Phones

This 45-minute training will clarify the Constitutional rights that all people, including students, have in their cell phones. We discuss when it’s appropriate by law to search a cell phone, how wide the search can be, when you should contact law enforcement, and the steps to follow if you discover something you didn’t expect to…

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Student Search and Seizure

Student Search and Seizure

Anyone who has ever watched a police show on television is familiar with the Fourth Amendment. The general public is now aware of required Miranda warnings and that the people have rights not to be subject to unreasonable searches. Likewise, school officials do not exercise unfettered control over students or others on their campuses. While... read more
Disciplining Student Vaping

Disciplining Student Vaping

There has been a sharp uptick in incidences of students being caught vaping or with vape pens on campus. With the new questions in Texas surrounding marijuana versus THC in vape pens, the ever-expanding laws cracking down on smoking, and vape pens becoming physically smaller it’s hard to know the ins and outs of what... read more