Employee Contract Package for 2025-2026
Based on recent court decisions, EWHPM has updated its employee contract package for the 2025-2026 school year. The primary change to the contracts is that they include a favorable statute of limitations for districts, which has been approved by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
In addition, the Just Sign materials provide important new guidance on employee reassignments in light of a recent Texas Court of Appeals decision. We continue to offer options for districts to choose between offering traditional 10-month contracts to teachers or offering contracts that address the issue of teachers being asked to work slightly beyond 10 calendar months due to unforeseen circumstances (think Covid) or calendar choices.
In addition to these updates, the new package contains the same solid contract provisions it always has, along with the Just Sign publication explaining the contracting process in detail.
NOTE: If your district has never purchased this package or if your copy is older than 2021-22, order this version. For information on the version your district has, please contact (800) 488-9045 or information@edlaw.com.